Lords mobile monster hunt guide - Hit monster lords mobile

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This is it i will teach you Lords mobile monster hunting guide. Today i will show you how to defeat each monster in lords mobile
with free to play heroes credits to HephBot
So how does monster hits and kills help you?? It help you by giving free speed ups, resources, jewels and, items materials. Amazing right?!!!
Monsters spawn every 3 hours interval and they come in pairs.
Free To Play
So how does monster hits and kills help you?? It help you by giving free speed ups, resources, jewels and, items materials. Amazing right?!!!
Monsters spawn every 3 hours interval and they come in pairs.
Now let's begin :).
Terrorthorn it's like a venus fly trap
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: Terrorthorn lashes its vine whips at
Heroes, rendering them immobilized. It also blast nearby heroes
with seeds, knocking them back. Survive its onslaught to kill
this fearsome monsters
Level 1 - 3: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Shade, Tracker,
Black Crow
Level 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Shade, Death Archer,
Black Crow
Level 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Shade, Black Crow,
Tidal Titan
Tidal titan has a similarity to tide hunter on dota 2.
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: The Tidal Titan brings wrath of the sea
down on an enemy hero, dealing massive damage. Its thick skin
also allow it to shrug off physical attacks. Bring healers and
heroes with powerful magic to take it down
Level 1 - 3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4-5: Child of light, Incinerator, Snow Queen,
Elementalist, Prima Donna
Noceros we all know it came from the word rhinoceros
You may want to kill a lot of this monster for the resource gather speed items.
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: The Noceros is a tough creature! Its thick hide can withstand Physical DMG and its crystal horns have the ability to lower your Heroes' Healing Focus. Use skills that deal Magic DMG to defeat it!
You may want to kill a lot of this monster for the resource gather speed items.
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: The Noceros is a tough creature! Its thick hide can withstand Physical DMG and its crystal horns have the ability to lower your Heroes' Healing Focus. Use skills that deal Magic DMG to defeat it!
Level 1-3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Prima Donna,
Level 5: Child of light, Incinirator, Sage of Storm,
Elementalist, Prima Donna
Mega Maggot
This one is a weird monster coming out of the ground.
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: The Mega Maggot's mighty tail packs a massive sting! Its venom deals continuous damage, so remember to heal your heroes.
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: The Mega Maggot's mighty tail packs a massive sting! Its venom deals continuous damage, so remember to heal your heroes.
Level 1-3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Prima Donna,
Level 5: Child of light, Incinirator, Sage of Storm,
Elementalist, Prima Donna
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Blackwing constantly hungers for blood, and will always lock onto the healthiest target in sight! Its venomous fangs nullifies all Life Leech effects, and its thick hide protects it from the strongest magical attacks. Take it down with brute physical force!
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Grim Reaper will harvest the soul of the Hero with the highest Max HP. Use your skills to deal Physical DMG to it before it can claim more victims!
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: If provoked, the Queen Bee will jab the first target she sees! Theis matriarch also summons a horde of buzzing bees to drive off invaders. Bring her down with Physical Attacks before you get overwhelmed!
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: Powerful and unpredictable, the Saberfang will wreak havoc among your ranks. Use magic to bring it down before it decimates your troops!
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: Gargantua's skill can deal massive damage to its target and the Heroes nearby. You may need more Heroes that can recover HP to survive. It also has very high PDEF, so bring your Heroes with skills that deal Magic DMG to tackle this one!
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Snow Beast always targets the Hero furthest from itself. It charges at the target with its enormous body and also causes all Heroes hit take damage over time. Use Heroes that can deal high damage against this fearsome beast!
Level 1 - 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Isn't he a hell boy reference
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: Physical and Magical
Weak Against: The ruthless Hell Drider will attack the Hero with the highest max HP, dealing damage to other Heroes near its target as well. It is also protected by an energy shield, so send your strongest Heroes to destroy it!
Level 1 - 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Level 5: Death Knight, Demon Slayer, Death Archer, Tracker, Black Crow
I remember an anime called shaman king.
Level 1-3: Scarlet Bolt, Death Archer, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Personal recommendation for level 4 and 5
Level 4-5: Rose, Child of light, Death Archer, Tracker, Prima Donna
Well its from the Greeks and its also a computer virus.
Level 1-5: Sage of Storms, Snow Queen, Elementalist, Incinerator, Prima Donna
Well this monster is a sphinx wanna be but it can easily be

Level 1 - 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Incinerator, Black Crow
You can just send out your best heroes grade and rank.
Chinese Dragon

Level 1 - 3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Prima Donna
Level 5: Child of Light, Incinerator, Sage of Storms, Elementalist, Prima Donna
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: Physical and Magic
Weak Against: Frostwing always aims for the Hero with the highest Max HP. Its icy attacks cover a large area, causing any Hero standing behind the target to take huge damage. Use Heroes will skills that allow them to take cover behind the Frostwing!
This one is a two head dragon.
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Blackwing constantly hungers for blood, and will always lock onto the healthiest target in sight! Its venomous fangs nullifies all Life Leech effects, and its thick hide protects it from the strongest magical attacks. Take it down with brute physical force!
Level 1 - 3: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker,
Trickster, Black Crow
Level 4: Rose,Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Death
Archer, Black Crow
Level 5: Death Knight, Demon Slayer, Prima Donna, Black
Crow, Death Archer
You can just send out your best heroes grade and
Grim Reaper
Its a halloween ghost.
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Grim Reaper will harvest the soul of the Hero with the highest Max HP. Use your skills to deal Physical DMG to it before it can claim more victims!
Level 1 - 3: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker,
Trickster, Black Crow
Level 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Death Knight,
Trickster, Black Crow
Level 5: Demon Slayer, Death Archer, Death Knight, Prima
Donna, Black Crow
You can just send out your best heroes grade and
Queen Bee
This is a queen and its a bee queen. Lorde - Royale
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: If provoked, the Queen Bee will jab the first target she sees! Theis matriarch also summons a horde of buzzing bees to drive off invaders. Bring her down with Physical Attacks before you get overwhelmed!
Level 1 - 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker,
Trickster, Black Crow
Level 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Death Archer,
Trickster, Black Crow
Its a dog with 2 fangs lol maybe it did transform Nina
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: Powerful and unpredictable, the Saberfang will wreak havoc among your ranks. Use magic to bring it down before it decimates your troops!
Level 1-3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin,
Elementalist, Prima Donna,
Level 5: Child of light, Incinirator, Sage of Storm,
Elementalist, Prima Donna
A monster that is based on cyclops isn't it scary?
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: High PDEF
Weak Against: Gargantua's skill can deal massive damage to its target and the Heroes nearby. You may need more Heroes that can recover HP to survive. It also has very high PDEF, so bring your Heroes with skills that deal Magic DMG to tackle this one!
Level 1-3: Child of light, Incinerator, Elementalist, Snow
Queen, Bomber Goblin
Level 4-5: Child of light, Incinerator, Elementalist, Snow
Queen, Prima Donna
Snow Beast
Ah a reindeer and a bear fusion.
Damage Type: Magic
Strong Against: High MDEF
Weak Against: The Snow Beast always targets the Hero furthest from itself. It charges at the target with its enormous body and also causes all Heroes hit take damage over time. Use Heroes that can deal high damage against this fearsome beast!
Level 1 - 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Hell Drider
Damage Type: Physical
Strong Against: Physical and Magical
Weak Against: The ruthless Hell Drider will attack the Hero with the highest max HP, dealing damage to other Heroes near its target as well. It is also protected by an energy shield, so send your strongest Heroes to destroy it!
Level 1 - 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Level 5: Death Knight, Demon Slayer, Death Archer, Tracker, Black Crow
Vodoo Shaman
I remember an anime called shaman king.
Level 1-3: Scarlet Bolt, Death Archer, Tracker, Trickster, Black Crow
Personal recommendation for level 4 and 5
Level 4-5: Rose, Child of light, Death Archer, Tracker, Prima Donna
Mecha Trojan
Well its from the Greeks and its also a computer virus.
Level 1-5: Sage of Storms, Snow Queen, Elementalist, Incinerator, Prima Donna
This monster is a real stone i personally think it came
from the ancient tomb look it has moss.
Level 1-2: Snow Queen, Elementalist, Bomber Goblin,
Incinerator, Prima Donna,
I don't even try it.

Level 1 - 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Incinerator, Black Crow
You can just send out your best heroes grade and rank.
Bon Appeti
I think it is an angel that turns your hero into
turkey isn't it nice for turkey lovers.
Level 1 - 4: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker,
Trickster, Black Crow
Level 5: Death Knight, Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt,
Trickster, Black Crow
Jade Wyrm

Level 1 - 3: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 4: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Prima Donna
Level 5: Child of Light, Incinerator, Sage of Storms, Elementalist, Prima Donna
Its a bird, its a plane, no its just frostwing
Level 1-5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster,
Black Crow
Strong Against: Physical and Magic
Weak Against: Frostwing always aims for the Hero with the highest Max HP. Its icy attacks cover a large area, causing any Hero standing behind the target to take huge damage. Use Heroes will skills that allow them to take cover behind the Frostwing!
So here you go guys next time you see them slay them like a
After killing so many monster you are now ready to build
Hoot Claw
Free To Play
Level 1-2: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 3-5: Haven't try to test this one out.
Best Team
Level 1-5: Elementalist , Incinerator, Dream witch, Twilight Priestest,
Petite Devil
Thanks to QuickDraaw for testing out this one.
Level 1 - 5: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Trickster, Black
Best Team
Haven't tested I have no p2p heroes
(Tusker) Gawrilla
Free To Play
Level 1-2: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 3-5: Prima Donna, Incinerator, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Sage
of Storm
Best Team
Haven't tested I have no p2p heroes
Free To Play
Level 1-2: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Level 3-5: Prima Donna, Incinerator, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Sage of Storm
Best Team
Haven't tested I have no p2p heroes
Serpent Gladiator
Free To Play
Level 1-5: Incinarator, Sage of Storm, Bomber Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen
Best Team
Haven't tested I have no p2p heroes
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